Monday, May 31, 2010

4Days 3Night Mars retreat "Without Mixture"

Mars 4Days 3Night Great Retreat

Rasanya cepat sekali berlalu, rindu sama semua team.
Retreat yang luar biasa. Tuhan bekerja dengan luar bisa di retret ini yang diadakan dari tanggal 27Mei sampai 30 Mei 2010 ( Kamis - Minggu) di SAP ( Sekolah Alkitab Purbasari , Siantar )

Guest Speaker : P.S. Lodewyk Saerang ( Bekasi )

Theme: The Unshakeable Kingdom Part II " Without Mixture "

This is my badge :)

Berangkat jam 4 sore dari Medan, karena Grace termasuk team advance so, dan tiba di sana kira" pukul 7.30 malam. Bus pertama sampai kira jam 9.00 malam, setelah itu makan malam.

Kira" pukul 21.00 malam pembukaan ( opening ceremony ) . Firman Tuhan dilayani P.S. Max Wakkary. Selesai ibadah pukul 22.30 .

Opening Ceremony

Bus kedua tiba kira" pukul 23.00. Karena ada gangguan teknis di perjalanan, harus ganti tali kipas busnya XD
And Finnaly day 1 closed by slept at 4.00am. And wake up at 5.00a.m. Oh, man, that's good. Secara cuma tidur sejam XD * the best one

Day 2
After wake up wake up :D , saat teduh dulu dong...

Setelah saat teduh.... let's do the excersice

Olahraga pagi dipandu oleh instruktur profesional XD : Bang Simpet ( Yeah ! )

After took bath and had breakfast, we had session 1 service

After session 1 service, we got a break. It's snack time

Then, back to session 2 :D

Session 2 Altar Call

Kata" Perpisahan dari Kak Koy :( sebelum meninggalkan Indo

Lunch Time

Workshop teenager *session 1

Workshop college *session 1

Workshop proffesional ( pekerja ) * session 1

after workshop we gotta snack time and Games :D

Day 3
It's such a great day I guess :) Today , everbody use the unshakeable uniform

Workshop teenager *session 2

Workshop college *session 2

Sorry I don't have any photo for proffesional workshop :P

Photo Session

All participants and Guest Speaker

WM Team and Speaker

Female Session ( Hidup dalam kekudusan )

Male Session Hidup dalam kekudusan

Hahaha, lari sebentar ah ke perapat :D skalian refreshing :p

Great view actually ,.... tapi sayang lagi kabut kemaren :(

Crusade night

Lawatan Roh kudus yang luar biasa

Penyerahan diri untuk dibaptis

Bon- Fire!

Sing as a choir ;)

So Mars Be an unshakeable kingdom without mixture ;)

Keep on Fire man!
God Bless
Nb: sorry bahasa gado" :p

Late Posting

Wah... so busy.... ,

Luckily I have time today to write my blog today

Just wanna write last Thursday 27 March 2010 :p ( late update XD ) I saw the last chapter Shrek in 3D with Militia and Vivian

It's awesome and really funny :D

It's the best Shrek film , Love it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My First Premiere Blog :)

Just made the blog...
I'm still confuse to use it :p but thank for Juju ( ) that help me! haha

The worse one today I forget to bring my purse! Oh!! But thanks again for Vivian!

After Lunch we have photobooth on Vivian's and Mili's Lappy XD

We have new guest today! Maria Sisca :)
Have much fun today!