Thursday, June 17, 2010

Argentina Won! 4-1 :D

Ayee! Argentina won!
Argen vs South Korea : 4-1
I'm proud of Argen! You rocks on! Ahahaha

Not like the Spain yesterday :(
So dissapointing :p
Now go Argentina and German for world cup 2010 !

Friday, June 11, 2010

TGIF - Friday! :D

Today is great Friday :D

Almost everday in this week is great

Today Vivian, Militia, Cicil , Sally and we watch Karate Kid :D

It's awesome film , two thumbs up :)

End up with

At Home , my Mom gives me new Parfume! Yipee :D

Hope next week will be great, I hope next week my reportbook will be a good result! Amen!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just an extraordinary Wednesday :D

Today is very great :)

Oh man! I and Vivian think can't came out from school at 12.00 o'clock. But at last we make it... Oh! God damn it teacher Amanda!! =="

We ran away with the pedicab to go to Sun Plaza because we want to watch sex and the city 2.

We had lunch @ Mr.Pancake

We got 20% disc. because we use student's identity card :D

Watch sex and the city 2 @ 1 p.m. Great movie. It's so humorous XD I'm so entertained

After that bought some nail polish, summer's colours :D

Thanks God! It's just perfect

Sunday, June 6, 2010

One day to fight !

Tomorrow will be my last semester exam! :D
Oh Thx Lord!
Tomorrow : TIK exam
Wish me Luck

Tomorrow plan is after exam we'll watch Prince of Percia :)