Friday, February 11, 2011

Wohoooo! Tonight is a great KKR

Tonight KKR is so Amwesome :)

But Let be the Glory just for Him!

Here's some Pics for yaa....

Brotherhood and Sisterhood

Pray first..... All should begin with pray! Remember that :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Update

I think, I don't touch my blog since 5 months ago , cause you know a bit busy because I move to O.Z. to have my study. Anyway I'll update everything later :)
My new life there in perth is so good... I enjoy my life there... It's seems so free there... However, still... school is tough cause I'm taking engineering...
Gosh! the fact is my Physics is so tough! Seriously I surrender to Lord... Hahaha! Now I just finished my first term, and now I'm on holiday in Medan....