Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Strawberry Cupcakes

I feel like I wanna make something like christmas cake, so I just try to bake these strawberry cupcakes.

- 225 gr unsalted butter
-225 gr self raising flour
-200 gr caster sugar
-1 tsp baking powder
-4 eggs ( room temp. )
-1 cup choped strawberries

- 250ml whipped cream
- 2 tsp sugar

- You can use strawberries, chocolate, strawberry jam --> up to you

1. Preheat oven 170C - 175 C
2. Prepare cases in muffin tins
3. Then, you stir in chopped fresh strawberries
4. Spoon batter into cases. Bake for 20 mins
5. Remove cupcakes and cool on a rack
6. Spread the icing on the top
7. Put in the fridge ( if you wanna make the icing more frozen )

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