Friday, October 28, 2011


Hang Out with these 2 gorgeous ladies --> Ci Gloria and Kak Kez.
@ Lekker
All the food are great! The Prices are Ok! You Should try the mocktails too.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Random Weeks

So far, my life is kinda of static. Most of the times, me boring.
Miss my friends in Perth, like Sally, Lauretta, Elisa, Sherlyn, Louisa, all the gang.
Usually I can go hang out with them, watch the movie, eat lunch together, shopping... *sigh

Anyway, this is my life when I'm in my hometown.

Sometimes I have chit chat time with my mom, and having our tea time.

Have driving lesson

Attend the weddings

Meeting with multimedia team for christmas

And last saturday I just asked by MARS to be the speaker @ our English Service. Thanks God, You guide me. Frankly speaking, I'm so nervous.... *phieewww

So, maybe if I have anything good to post, I will update my blog. If not... err.... just wait and see what's next.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Raising Fund

Baked these pandan mocha cupcakes for christmas raising fund at church.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mini Cupcakes

New trial --> Banana and Strawberries mini cupcakes

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hillsong College Concert

Hillsong College concert at Pardede Hall, Medan.

Meet up with Vivian (y)!

and her friends too

Some capture from the opening

For all the readers, you know... It's been so hard to update all of these photos in this post because of the Internet in Indonesia is so SUCKS! Fiuh.... I wanna Aussie internet, which is a lot lot lot faster than in here. -.- my goodness.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Just heard this music from one of the movies' soundtrack on TV.
One of my fav. nostalgic music.