Monday, October 24, 2011

Random Weeks

So far, my life is kinda of static. Most of the times, me boring.
Miss my friends in Perth, like Sally, Lauretta, Elisa, Sherlyn, Louisa, all the gang.
Usually I can go hang out with them, watch the movie, eat lunch together, shopping... *sigh

Anyway, this is my life when I'm in my hometown.

Sometimes I have chit chat time with my mom, and having our tea time.

Have driving lesson

Attend the weddings

Meeting with multimedia team for christmas

And last saturday I just asked by MARS to be the speaker @ our English Service. Thanks God, You guide me. Frankly speaking, I'm so nervous.... *phieewww

So, maybe if I have anything good to post, I will update my blog. If not... err.... just wait and see what's next.


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