Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Review 2011

End of this first month in 2012 I wanna review my 2011 blog that I posted.

1. I don't know why but this title seems the most viewed in my blog
--> La monakella ( I've been edit it with more descriptions recently )

2. My 17th Birthday, yeah... well it's not to wow! cause I was in Perth, no parents, but still I'm happy. ( http://gracedeborasusanto.blogspot.com/2011/04/17th-birthdaypart-ii.html

3. Most viewed recipe --> Strawberry Cupcakes

4. Best Pictures Photography --> Spring in Bloom

5. Best Christmas that I have --> Awakening


Sunday, January 29, 2012

'not' au revoir

Time fly so fast these day, yeah... I think it will be the last dinner hang out with this couple before I'll be back to Perth.
And, Adler will be moving to Singapore for his studies on March.
Yeah.... but I hope that three of us can meet and hang out again someday!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dragon Year ( CNY 2012 )

Happy #CNY 2012 ! Hope all of you have a great year!

So, this year as usual I have open house, a lot of CNY goodies that make me want to eat all of them ( Great! which is my diet is ruined! ==" )
but, I hate this CNY cause it means that I'll be back to Perth soon... yeah... Uni will start on February, too bad...

Don't really want to be so red at chinese new year, cause my outfit will be the same like others, so I choose to wear French Connections S/S col. 2012, and I choose gold bangle by Forever 21, and Red cuff by Bottega Venetta, Belt by Charles & Keith, with a bit hair accessory by Sport Girl.

With my cousin and my lil' sister

with my relatives and pastor fam. member

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Never be the same

Yeay! Back to Medan, after long holiday. Had a great weekend tonight, hang out with Vivian and Adler. Had dinner at Sushi Tei, then we tried a new place --> Opal coffee.

Had a great weekend guys!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Social House

Love SOHO! Perfect place for chit chat with your friends!