Saturday, March 3, 2012

It ain't so bad

Everyday you hope that sunshine is in your life everyday, means your days are good everyday , hopefully. But the facts is just not like what you want. Yea, I don't really have a good start week at uni this week, I was like unconnected. Especially for Materials subject! I just don't get it, doesn't make sense to me at all, I was frustrated during the whole classes, and EFPC there's a lot to do in this subject during the whole semester ==" like you have to design this, built this, have meeting with your company, report, Arggghh! Brain damage, haha. I lost my transperth card too, I'm just such a careless person, I can't count how many cards that I lost since I lived here. During the briefing, early class at 8am, I forgot to silent my mobile, and It rang ==" *shame-shame. Yaaa... let's stop with all the shits that happen to me during this week.
Anyway, my parents just bought me a new jazz vibe this week, yeay! no bus anymore, no bad hair day, bla-bla. I am thankful to my parents , om Janny that help me too and especially I'm thankful to God!

But, this weekend was not so bad, I have hang out with my friends, which is make me happy, and have dinner together, Thanks Louisa for the birthday dinner. Wish you all the best.

In the end, It ain't so bad :)
Life's goes on.


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