Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fresh Air At Last!

These two weeks are the most hectic, emotional,pathetic,shit happens, that I ever had! Sometimes you are unlucky to have people in your group that are not working, lazy, their english sucks,etc!
Wogggh! *Inhale-Exhale
I suffer to much! not sleeping and lost my appetite because of this EFPC Tender Submission, I had to cover the works of 2 lazy boys in my group! Great! *phieewww
Enough for all of that! I'm so glad that there is Easter Break! Yay! Just what I need! I need my life back! Fresh Air At Last!
So after submit all of the group assignment this afternoon, me and Lauretta directly went to Carousel and had dinner ( my appetite is back ) , shopping , and watch The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (3hours) - Too long! haha! Anyway, Bliss...

By the way,
Happy Easter to all of you!

PS: - Sorry of the long story, that's what blog for, express the feeling, haha!
- Special thanks to my friends that heard my problem, thanks for the advice *Lol

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