Friday, March 4, 2011

TGIF - A.L.A. Perth

It's Friday... so what? stay at the home?? Big No.. Haha! Cause BORING....
Thanks God It's Friday, so let's go to the city and have some jalan-jalan...
So, today...
Me, Selly and Lauretta meet up at the city and have lunch together at Took Bae Kee...

Before went to the city I took some make up first...

Do not forget Sun Block! Gosh! It's still damn hot here --"

Got Manicure at Opals
Nails! :)

Big shopping today ==" No self defense... Maigot!

Bought New OPI Edition! Texas edition

This Coat is New Arrival from Forever New... And I just can't stand to not buy that! And I don't have this type of coat, so I just bought that! I really like it! haha!
And guess what is the price.....
Really I don't have self defense.... :(

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